The myth that inspired the theme for this years TEDXAUEB:
Alcyone and Kyikas lived happily and in love,
so much so that in their eyes they were equated with the Gods. They were the
exclusive setters of their goals, they were fearless and in love. They dared to
reach pure happiness by living life and chasing their dreams in their own
unique way. Regardless of the will of the Gods regardless of the social norms.
We, humans, have learned to adapt our goals, our happiness, ourselves, and to pursue success within the rigid framework set
by our society. Sometimes, however, resting on the idea that what we have built
is eternal, we forget that something unexpected can completely change the plot of our lives.
Like so in the myth, the wrath of the gods soon hit the couple. Enraged, Zeus threw his lightning bolts and sank Kyikas' ship,
drowning him. But seeing the grief of the Alkyoni, the gods decided to give her
a second chance, transforming her into a beautiful bird, which gives birth to
its young in the heart of winter, the well-known Halcyon days.